
IHLIA and The Flemish-Dutch Network LGBTI Research


IHLIA is the heritage organisation and owns a socially relevant and indispensable collection. IHLIA is continuously involved in collecting information about the LGBTI community and making it accessible. IHLIA has a prominent collection that documents the history of the LGBTI community. The archive contains collections that are complete to a large extent and it contains several unique key collections and archives of other organisations. The archive in general is considered top quality and has national and international significance.

About The Flemish-Dutch Network LGBTI Research

IHLIA has contacts with The Flemish-Dutch Network LGBTI. This network offers a platform for researchers and interested parties to stay informed of lgbti research in Flanders and the Netherlands and to meet each other. Every two years they hold a conference LGBTI research. In 2016 this took place in Antwerp, in 2018 in Amsterdam.