IHLIA Thesis Prize

For the best thesis in the field of LGBTQI+ history

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Every year, dozens of students at universities write a thesis on a subject in the field of LGBTQI+ history. Unfortunately, much of this material disappears into the proverbial drawer. That is a pity, of course. To make this research more visible and to reward it, IHLIA presents a biannual thesis prize for the best LGBTQI+ historical thesis in Flanders and the Netherlands.

The second IHLIA Thesis Award was presented in March 2024. The next award ceremony will take place in 2026.

Eligible for the prize are both English and Dutch theses that:

  • have an LGBTQI+ historical angle
  • have been written at a Dutch or Flemish institute for university education;
  • have been awarded a mark of at least 7,5 (NL) or 15 (BE) or more;
  • were written in the academic years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 (i.e. between September 2021 and September 2023).

The author of the winning thesis:

  • receives an amount of €750;
  • will be able to edit his/her/their thesis into an article that will be published in the magazine Historica (provided it is positively assessed by the editors).

Entrants agree to the inclusion of their thesis in the archive of IHLIA LGBTI Heritage.

If none of the submitted theses meet the quality requirements of the jury, the jury reserves the right not to award a thesis prize.

Edition 2024

Descendants of Sodom: A History of Pleasure in Lima (1950-1982). – Diego Galdo-González (University of Amsterdam) 

From the jury report:
According to the jury the author took us to the city of Lima, Peru, and took us through oral history into the history of a group known as Maricones. The author chooses as a theoretical and practical starting point the question of how Maricones sought erotic pleasure.

Edition 2022

In 2022, IHLIA LGBTI Heritage awarded the IHLIA Thesis Prize for the first time. The winner is Robbe Himpe, who researched homosexual fatherhood in Flanders.