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Summer School | Intersectionality: Challenges and Opportunities for European History?


Histories of class, gender, race, sexuality and disability intersect, yet the impact of these convergences on overall accounts of the past has gone unacknowledged for a long time. While theoretical debates on intersectionality, especially in the social sciences, have been productive, there remains a lot of scope for empirical research. The summer school explores the […]

Lecture | De diepe sporen van hiv/aids (Dutch)

Spui25 Spui 25-27, Amsterdam

Het is ruim veertig jaar geleden dat Amerikaanse artsen in juni 1981 alarm sloegen: zij ontdekten een nieuw virus, dat vooral rond leek te gaan onder homoseksuele mannen. Enkele jaren later zal het virus hiv genoemd worden. Miljoenen mensen zijn wereldwijd overleden, onder wie duizenden in Nederland. Vandaag praten we over de erfenis van de […]

Lecture | The impact of a hardening society on working on diversity

Roeterseiland Campus Roetersstraat, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Speakers: Rabin Baldewsingh: National Coordinator against Racism and Discrimination, will give the keynote; Tofik Dibi: author and former politician. He wrote about the fight (Twitter) activists wage against injustice in The Monster of Wokeness (2020); Dr. Saskia Bonjour: associate professor of Political Science. Her research and teaching focus on themes such as citizenship, racism and […]

Conference | The International Bisexuality+ Research Conference


The International Bisexuality+ Research Conference is a free online conference for anyone who wants to learn more about bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, plurisexual, queer, fluid, and unlabeled experiences. Enjoy a weekend of stimulating interdisciplinary discussions and presentations. We look forward to people from all levels of education presenting their work in October. This conference will feature […]

Booklaunch & symposium | Oxford Handbook on LGBTI Law

Join us in Geneva to celebrate the launch of the Oxford Handbook on LGBTI Law (10 and/or 11 October 2024). We will celebrate the launch of the digital version of the book with a book launch followed by a reception on Thursday 10 October 2024 at the Villa Moynier, home of the Geneva Academy. For […]

Deadline | Call for papers (Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities conference)

As a community, the Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities conference has addressed change in a myriad of ways. Collectively we have explored how crisis can act as a catalyst for change, have considered changes to our practice through inclusive innovation, and have radically reimagined the interplay between the physical and the virtual. In 2025, the DCDC […]

Lecture | Christendemocratie en homo-emancipatie: hinderpaal of hefboom? (Dutch)

Spui25 Spui 25-27, Amsterdam

Christendemocraten worden vaak gezien als tegenstanders van homo-emancipatie. Maar uitgerekend zij stelden al in 1986 voor om homorelaties wettelijk te erkennen. Hoe kwamen ze daarbij? En waarom haakten ze af toen ‘Paars’ werk maakte van huwelijksgelijkheid? We gaan in gesprek met dr. Joke Swiebel naar aanleiding van haar onderzoek naar homopolitiek in Nederland en over […]

Conference | ILGA Europe Annual Conference 2024


ILGA-Europe is thrilled to announce that the 2024 ILGA-Europe Annual Conference will take place on 16-19 October in Bucharest. They express their deepest appreciation to their Romanian members, ACCEPT and MozaiQ, with whom they will join forces to create an inclusive, engaging and purposeful event. The Annual Conference is a key arena for agenda-setting and […]

Symposium | National Research Day: Gender in Trouble, Gender in Transformation

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) hosts the annual National Research Day, organized this year by the Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality. The NOG Research Day is a dedicated platform for sharing the work of junior and senior researchers of Dutch universities in the fields of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Sexuality and Diversity […]