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Symposium | National Research Day: Gender in Trouble, Gender in Transformation

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) hosts the annual National Research Day, organized this year by the Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality. The NOG Research Day is a dedicated platform for sharing the work of junior and senior researchers of Dutch universities in the fields of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Sexuality and Diversity […]

Course | Gender, Sexuality and Generation: history van geslacht op geslacht’

Utrecht University

How can we think historical change without thinking the very processes that make it possible, that is, the process of human generation? In this course we learn to think history through the lens of this question. This involves the very concrete bodily issues of reproduction  – which immediately leads us to broader fields such as […]

Symposium | Gender/s and Sexuality/ies in the History of Western Philosophy

Aix Marseille University and the research team Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (CNRS UMR 7304) are organizing, with the support of the GIS – Institut du Genre, a three days event on “Gender/s and Sexuality/ies in History of western Philosophy” Gender and sexuality might first seem to be marginal objects of reflection in the History of […]

Lecture | Jacob Israël de Haan: mimicry en eigenzinnigheid (in Dutch)

Past de dichter Jacob Israël de Haan in het verhaal van het ontstaan van de moderne poëzie in de eerste decennia van de twintigste eeuw, of was hij een buitenbeentje dat uit de pas liep met andere nieuwe dichters? Welke rol speelde zijn homoseksualiteit in dit verband en hoe kreeg dat thema een plaats in […]

Bijeenkomst | Gendergeschiedenisdag

Vrije Universiteit - Hoofdgebouw De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam

De gendergeschiedenisdag wordt georganiseerd door VVG platform voor vrouwen- en gendergeschiedenis en Atria kennisinstituut voor emancipatie en vrouwengeschiedenis. Dit jaar met steun van WO&MEN@VU. Programma 13.00 uur - Inloop 13.20 uur  - Welkom door Mineke Bosch, voorzitter van de VVG 13.30 uur  - Myriam Everard, Queering Betsy Perk 14.00 uur  - Suzan van Dijk, Vier […]

Deadline | Call for papers – Queer Pasts: What’s Queer in Queer History?

Queer history commonly refers to the study and documentation of the lives, experiences, cultures, and struggles and joys of LGBTQ+ people in the past. It covers a wide range of topics, including how gender and sexual diversity has been expressed, understood, and regulated in different societies, as well as how political, social, and cultural movements […]

Conference | Left-Wing Women’s Organizing and Activism in the Twentieth Century

Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for an upcoming conference titled "Left-Wing Women's Organizing and Activism in the Twentieth Century." This conference seeks to bring together scholars from different disciplines working on various aspects of the history of women’s activism and organizing. It aims to explore how women across the spectrum of […]