Feminist, anti-racist and LGBTI+ activisms within and beyond pandemic times: scrutinizing the implications of the digital shift (Deadline: 25 January 2022)

Research Topic calls for manuscripts.

Digital technologies offer tremendous possibilities for collectives such as feminist, anti-racist and LGBTI+ groups to protest against injustices and connect across geographical distances.

Recent examples of such appearances are varied and diverse. They can circulate globally and spread from place to place, like the #MeToo campaign, the #BLM movement and the #LasTesis flashmob, or they can be situated locally, as the grassroots initiative #NiUnaMenos in Argentina, the #czarnyprotest in Poland or the #auratmarch in Pakistan.

Yet, while the sudden turn to digital spaces has significantly influenced feminist, anti-racist and LGBTI+ activisms in global and local contexts, we still know little about the impact of these transformations on struggles for equality and rights, transnationally as well as locally.

This special issue brings together papers that draw variously on ethnographic, empirical and theoretical approaches with the aim to scrutinize the implications of the digital shift for feminist, anti-racist and LGBTI+ activisms in various contexts across the globe.
