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Call for Papers (deadline) | Queer Kinship: Affects, Families, Bonds University for Foreigners of Siena

In recent decades, critical, cultural, political and legal discourses on the family have undergone significant shifts leading to new perspectives on the ways in which societies conceive of, recognise and experience affective bonds. New legislation, such as civil partnerships, same-sex marriages and increased access to technologies of reproduction, have enabled new family forms to be […]

Symposium | ‘Desire for Trans’ Symposium 2024


The politics of trans have been richly researched, but how might we navigate the terrain of trans desire(s), expanding from the desire of to the desire for trans? One of the most undertheorized dimensions of trans life remains the field of desire of those who are sexually attracted to trans subjects – or bodies – […]

Exhibition | RE/SISTERS; A lens on gender and ecology

Fomu Waalsekaai 47, Antwerp, Belgium

RE/SISTERS surveys the systemic links between the degradation of the planet and the oppression of women and minorities. The exhibition is rooted in ecofeminism, a movement that arose in the 1970s and is alive and kicking today. RE/SISTERS brings us eye -to -eye with activist women and communities. They are often at the forefront of […]

Call for proposals (deadline) | Working with racialised LGBTI communities

We are excited to launch a new call for project proposals to support the groups and projects that address the intersectional impact of injustice, racialisation, racism and specific harms affecting the lives of racialised LGBTI communities across Europe. Deadline for applications is Tuesday, 2 April, 09:00 CEST. Why we launch this call Last year, ILGA-Europe […]

Lecture | Torrey Peters – Detransition, Baby

Utrecht University | Bibliotheek Neude

What can we learn from transgender persons about being a woman? With Dr Lieks Hettinga. The bestselling book Detransition, Baby was called 'perhaps the first great trans realist novel' by The Guardian. It exposes the dreams and sometimes harsh realities of the trans community. One character has an urgent desire to have children, another decides […]

Conference | Queer Kinship: Affects, Families, Bonds University for Foreigners of Siena

In recent decades, critical, cultural, political and legal discourses on the family have undergone significant shifts leading to new perspectives on the ways in which societies conceive of, recognise and experience affective bonds. New legislation, such as civil partnerships, same-sex marriages and increased access to technologies of reproduction, have enabled new family forms to be […]

Course | Aesthetics and Liberation: I wish I knew how it would feel to be free

Leiden University Pieterskerkhof 6, Leiden, Netherlands

In a documentary by Peter Rodis (1970), Nina Simone is asked what freedom means to her, and she considers the question with serious reflection: “It’s just a feeling, it’s just a feeling.” Becoming more animated, she says: “I’ll tell you what freedom is to me: no fear. I mean really, no fear. It is something […]

Symposium | Genre and Gender Bending in Trans* Literature


In this symposium we propose to examine the bending of gender and genre in recently published works of fiction written by trans* authors. The keynote lectures will present novel methodological frameworks and theoretical concepts for the analysis of such texts, allowing students to study their transcending character. During the panel round, several researchers in the […]

Dag van de Nieuwste Geschiedenis 2024

BELvue Museum

In 2014 organiseerden historici Amandine Lauro en Magaly Rodríguez García aan de ULB een studiedag over de historiografie van subalterne groepen en mensen in de marge van de samenleving. Ze betreurden de terughoudendheid van Belgische historici om met deze concepten aan de slag te gaan en hun relatieve afwezigheid op het domein van de ‘subaltern […]

Workshop | Queer Histories: Archiving Porn

Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality Nieuwe Achtergracht166 (Roeterseilandcampus - building A), Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

The workshop will consist of a maximum of ten presentations of twenty-minutes each (11:00-15:00, incl. breaks and time for questions). The participants will be asked to present a work-in-progress of a historical research project in which they are engaging—directly or indirectly—with porn archives. Scholars working on any aspect, region, and period of sexual history are […]