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2023 Bisexual+ Research, Activism, and Community Event

The International Bisexual+ Research, Activism, and Community Event will include a series of informal roundtables, workshops, and open discussions focused on research practices, community building, and political struggles, which we believe will continue to help foster the global bi+ community and improve our collective path towards better research and bi+ liberation. This new format will feature […]

Lecture | Getting over the Rainbow: 50+ years of LGBTQ+ Liberation

OBA Theater (7th floor OBA Oosterdok Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam, Netherlands

On 31 October IHLIA welcomes British scholar Richard Dyer, whose writings on stardom, entertainment, and the representation of gender, sexuality and race have made a great impact in film and cultural studies.  The Richard Dyer Reader (2023), co-edited by Glyn Davis and Jaap Kooijman, covers more than five decades of Dyer’s writing, and includes rare archival […]

LGBTQIA+ Research Day 2023

Utrecht University | Marinus Ruppert Building Leuvenlaan 21, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

The theme of the Research Day is Connecting Places and Spaces. Recent years have seen increasing polarisation in social, political, cultural, medical, and legal debates when it comes to matters of gender and sexuality that intersect with other markers of oppression and privilege. These debates also take place within universities in various ways. As researchers in gender […]

Workshop and Roundtable | Research Group – Trans* and Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Issues 2023-2024

Utrecht University | Drift Drift 21, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

The Trans* and Psychoanalytic Perspectives group returns once again in the academic year 2023-2024 with a workshop and roundtable discussions that will bring together Psychoanalysis, trans studies, and a number of other disciplines and fields of study in light of the issues, topics, and problems critically redefining the contemporary world.  The critical domain and scope […]

A Fabulous Archive: Encounters with Porpora Marcasciano

Organized and sponsored by: The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG), Masterlanguage, the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP), the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication (TLC) – Italian, and the Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICON) Thursday 18 January Book launch of Porpora Marcasciano’s AntoloGaia: Queering the Seventies, A Radical Trans Memoir (Rutgers University Press, 2023) […]

Deadline | Call for Papers: Karaktermoord & Gender

Karaktermoord is een terugkerend thema in de hedendaagse politiek. Uit cijfers van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken blijkt dat vooral vrouwelijke politici en bestuurders de afgelopen jaren aanzienlijk meer werden bestookt met haatberichten dan hun mannelijke collega’s. Van Sylvana Simons tot Femke Halsema, telkens weer zetten (sociale) media de aanval in om bepaalde vrouwen, maar ook mannen, […]

Lecture | Familism versus Gender Freedom? 200 Years of Western Struggles over the Family

Roeterseiland Campus Roetersstraat, Amsterdam, Netherlands

What has it meant, historically, to want to "abolish the family"? In this lecture, Sophie Lewis will ask: how might revisiting the post-fifties archive of radical anti-familial rebellion, especially the purposively forgotten and buried archives of youth liberation and family abolition, help "educate our desire" for reproductive justice and gender freedom in the twenty-first century? […]

Conference | « I’m a Lesbian » et j’ai une histoire. Une histoire de luttes et de désirs (Belgique et ailleurs) ( XIXe-XXe siècles)

l'Université Libre de Bruxelles

Les lesbiennes sont un groupe social encore peu étudié, tant en Belgique qu’ailleurs dans la francophonie et par-delà. L’objectif de ce colloque est de fournir un premier état des lieux des réalisations, besoins et enjeux relatifs à la transmission et à la conservation de l’histoire et de la mémoire des lesbiennes en Belgique au XX […]

Course | *Trans* Archives, Arts, Affects

Maastricht University Grote Gracht 80-82, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands

“We were there – erasing us is a real act of violence,” claimed scholar Syrus Marcus Ware about the lack of records on transgender community members in the Canadian national queer archive (2017, 174). The message that transgender people “don’t exist,” even within queer archives, has been echoed by institutional archives worldwide (Hayward 2017). As […]