Maddy Verdel is graduating from the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences program at Utrecht University. With your help I hope this study is able to collect the data that could potentially give more insight into the development of gender role attitudes and add to the current body of literature in this field of research.
For the Bachelor thesis Maddy is looking for participants between 18-30 years old to fill out her online questionnaire. A requirement for this study is that half of the participants were raised by same-sex parents, so through this post I hope to find people that meet this criteria and are interested in filling out a 10 minute online survey.
The survey explores the possible relationship between family composition, gender socialization and gender role attitudes of adolescent and/or young adults. Do you know someone that is between 18-30 years old and, for most of their childhood (0-18) were raised by same-sex caregivers, please share this message link! Thank you in advance!