Eva Gati, researcher and LGBTQ+ activist, invites you to participate in an online survey conducted by the University of Amsterdam (UvA, Netherlands) and Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Hungary).
For the study, we are looking for LGBTQ+ people to share their views on what they think about being supported by (cis)heterosexual allies because we believe that it is of paramount importance that LGBTQ+ people receive adequate support.
How can you help?
a) Fill out the questionnaire: It takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Participants can only be LGBTQ+ individuals. Participants can sign up for a raffle to win one of 5 Bol.com vouchers worth 50 Euros.
b) Share the research: Help us get the survey out to as many LGBTQ+ people as possible. Please, forward it to your friends via message or on social media.
The language of the survey is Dutch, and participants can sign up for a raffle to win one of 5 Bol.com vouchers worth 50 Euros.
The survey is available at this link below:
In case of any questions or concerns, please contact the researchers via this email: E.J.Doosje@uva.nl
Thank you for your help.