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ifph2024 : 7th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History

We are pleased to announce the 7th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History (IFPH) that takes place from 3 to 7 September 2024. The conference is hosted by the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), the University of Luxembourg’s third interdisciplinary research centre, focusing on new digital methods and tools for historical research and […]

Lecture | The Thing About Nongayindoda; Kweer possibilities from the South by zethu Matebeni

Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality Nieuwe Achtergracht166 (Roeterseilandcampus - building A), Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

This presentation develops ways of queering in Africa, paying particular attention to African terms and concepts that express fluidity and diversity in the African context. In revisiting existing work on the concept nongayindoda previously offered (Matebeni 2021), Zethu Matebeni moves away from the focus on gender, and argues for a version of existence that is non-tangible, […]

Symposium | Sexuality & Solidarity

IHLIA Oosterdokskade 143, Forumzaal (5th floor), Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

How is the relation between sexuality and solidarity conceptualized in Queer and Transgender Studies, practiced by queer and trans movements historically and in the present, and recorded by LGBTQ+ and other specialized archives? Does the sexual dimension of queer and trans identities and communities facilitate and/or limit solidarity across differences and different regimes of (in)equality, […]

Summer School | Intersectionality: Challenges and Opportunities for European History?


Histories of class, gender, race, sexuality and disability intersect, yet the impact of these convergences on overall accounts of the past has gone unacknowledged for a long time. While theoretical debates on intersectionality, especially in the social sciences, have been productive, there remains a lot of scope for empirical research. The summer school explores the […]

Conference | The International Bisexuality+ Research Conference


The International Bisexuality+ Research Conference is a free online conference for anyone who wants to learn more about bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, plurisexual, queer, fluid, and unlabeled experiences. Enjoy a weekend of stimulating interdisciplinary discussions and presentations. We look forward to people from all levels of education presenting their work in October. This conference will feature […]

Deadline | Call for papers (Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities conference)

As a community, the Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities conference has addressed change in a myriad of ways. Collectively we have explored how crisis can act as a catalyst for change, have considered changes to our practice through inclusive innovation, and have radically reimagined the interplay between the physical and the virtual. In 2025, the DCDC […]

Conference | ILGA Europe Annual Conference 2024


ILGA-Europe is thrilled to announce that the 2024 ILGA-Europe Annual Conference will take place on 16-19 October in Bucharest. They express their deepest appreciation to their Romanian members, ACCEPT and MozaiQ, with whom they will join forces to create an inclusive, engaging and purposeful event. The Annual Conference is a key arena for agenda-setting and […]

Course | Gender, Sexuality and Generation: history van geslacht op geslacht’

Utrecht University

How can we think historical change without thinking the very processes that make it possible, that is, the process of human generation? In this course we learn to think history through the lens of this question. This involves the very concrete bodily issues of reproduction  – which immediately leads us to broader fields such as […]

Symposium | Gender/s and Sexuality/ies in the History of Western Philosophy

Aix Marseille University and the research team Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (CNRS UMR 7304) are organizing, with the support of the GIS – Institut du Genre, a three days event on “Gender/s and Sexuality/ies in History of western Philosophy” Gender and sexuality might first seem to be marginal objects of reflection in the History of […]