Vacancies | Promovendus Jeugdstudies (Dutch); Resident Teacher-Scholar; University Lecturer (UD) in Gender and Sexuality Studies

Promovendus Jeugdstudies (1,0 fte) – Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Ben je geïnteresseerd in onderzoek naar ervaringen van lhbt-scholieren op de middelbare school en in het mbo? Vraag jij je af wat de rol van leerkrachten en schoolbeleid is? En wil jij je ontwikkelen als wetenschapper? Dan past deze vacature goed bij jou.

Voor het project “Uit de kast op school,” is de onderzoeksgroep Jeugdstudies op zoek naar een promovendus. Het project richt zich op jongeren in het voortgezet onderwijs en het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs die tot een seksuele minderheid behoren en/of gender non-conform (SGM) zijn. Onderzoek toont aan dat deze jongeren vaker slachtoffer worden van geweld en pesten en dat zij zich op school onveiliger voelen dan heteroseksuele, cisgender leerlingen. Deze verschillen hangen mogelijk af van de ondersteuning door leerkrachten en het schoolbeleid. In dit onderzoeksproject willen we de volgende vragen beantwoorden: Hoe groot zijn de verschillen in schoolveiligheid, geweld en pesten tussen SGM en heteroseksuele, cisgender jongeren? Hoe zijn deze verschillen veranderd over de jaren? En: hoe kunnen docenten en schoolbeleid deze verschillen verkleinen?

Resident Teacher-Scholar – bell hooks center

Berea College, home of the new bell hooks center, invites teacher-scholars to apply for a one- to two-year residency (11 months each year) to begin July 1, 2022. Responsibilities include: teaching two to three courses each year in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies or in Berea’s General Education program; making feminism available, as dr. hooks writes, “for everybody,” by critically engaging dr. hooks’s oeuvre and/or papers in the Berea College Special Collections and Archives, and by supplementing these resources with personal interviews and other research focused on her works; and regularly sharing their research with the campus community and beyond.

The teacher-scholar will work closely with the center Director and Chair of Berea College’s Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department to support curricular alignment with dr. hooks’s teachings and center programming of national esteem. In addition, the teacher-scholar will work with a colleague to organize the first two bell hooks center symposia in Summer 2023 and Summer 2024. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies or a related field; at least three years of post-graduate teaching experience; and a strong record of scholarly publication. Experience with conference planning preferred. Renewable for one additional year.

University Lecturer (UD) in Gender and Sexuality Studies (0.8-1.0 FTE) – Leiden University

The Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) invites applications for a

University Lecturer (UD) in Gender and Sexuality Studies (0.8-1.0 FTE), starting date 1 August 2022

The Leiden University Center for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) is seeking to hire a University Lecturer (UD) with an expertise in gender and sexuality studies, as well as familiarity with film, literature or media studies.

The successful applicant will conduct research and teach courses at BA and MA levels. These include the BA Film and Literary Studies, the minor programme Gender & Sexuality in Society and Culture, the MA Media Studies (track Cultural Analysis), and BA courses at Leiden University College (The Hague).

Besides a strong theoretical grounding in recent theory on gender and sexuality, we particularly welcome candidates who have an affinity with one or more theories and fields adjacent to gender and sexuality studies, e.g., critical race theory, disability studies, intersectionality, migration studies, queer theory, critical environmentalism.
