What is the role of museums with regard to activism and marginalized communities?

Nicole Moolhuijsen did an internship at IHLIA in the past three months. Nicole is a researcher and freelancer, specializing in museum studies that she attended at the University of Leicester (UK). She has extensive experience working with and for exhibitions and museums, and wanted to gain more in-depth knowledge of gender and LGBTI inclusiveness in the heritage sector.

In the past period, she has studied our history and community and our organization: how we work, and what and how we collect.

As a result, she has written two articles about the role of museums with regard to activism and marginalized communities in Amsterdam. These articles appeared on the ArtTribune website in Italy. Nicole has translated them into English for this occasion.

Read the article Museums and activism: a journey to The Netherlands on the IHLIA website

Read the arcticle Communities and museums. A look at Amsterdam on the IHLIA website

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