Vacancy | 2020-2021 ARC-GS Visiting Scholars – University of Amsterdam (Deadline: 31 March)

Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS) offers non-stipendiary visiting scholarships to excellent scholars who are conducting research related to gender and/or sexuality in the social sciences, specifically anthropology, sociology, political science or geography and developments studies.

Visiting scholar appointments are for 3-10 months during which time scholars will pursue independent research and interact with ARC-GS faculty, students, and researchers affiliated with the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) more broadly. The aim of the visiting scholarships is to contribute to the development of ground-breaking gender and/or sexuality research in the social sciences.


Visiting scholars are expected to actively participate in the monthly ARC-GS lectures, give a lunch seminar in which they present their ongoing work, write a blog about their research, and complete an article or monograph during their stay. Visiting scholars are required to acknowledge ARC-GS in the publications that evolves out of their time at the centre. ARC-GS also requires that visiting scholars pay a bench fee of €722 to cover administrative costs (plus an additional €321 if a visa is required).


ARC-GS does not provide a stipend, and visiting scholars are expected to be self-funded. While you are a guest at the centre, we will not be able to provide you with housing, secretarial services, office supplies and equipment, computers, printers, mail services, or telephones. It may be possible to provide you with shared desk space, but that varies in the course of the academic year and will be discussed beforehand. If you are not given a desk, you will be able to use the libraries which all have wireless Internet connections for a laptop. Visiting Scholars enjoy full access to the UvA’s libraries and electronic resources and receive an e-mail account for use during the duration of their stay at ARC-GS.

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