Presentation special edition Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies: ‘Sexual politics between the Netherlands and the Caribbean’

On November 12, the editors and contributors of the special issue ‘Sexual politics between the Netherlands and the Caribbean: Imperial entanglements and archival desires’, published in the Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, will present the special issue at IHLIA.

The special issue, edited by Gianmaria Colpani and Wigbertson Julian Isenia, addresses the links between race, LGBTQ politics, gender, (post)colonialism and neo-colonialism, focusing on the relations between the mainland Netherlands, the Dutch Caribbean islands, and Suriname.

Paying specific attention to political and epistemological questions entailed in the use of archives, it explores how queer (post)colonial subjects have been redefining citizenship through cultural and political practices at different points in time – both in the (post)colony and in the metropole.

The special issue is now available.

The editors and contributors will present the special issue. Dr. Paul Mepschen will chair the event and Dr. Esther Captain will act as discussant. More information about the program will follow.

Date: 12 November
Time: 19:30 – 21:00
Place: Prinsen-/Keizerzaal (6.6 and 6.5) at OBA Oosterdok
There is only limited space available. Please sign up in advance through

This event is organized by SIT, the NWO project Cultural Practices of Citizenship in Curacao and Bonaire, Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies and IHLIA. 

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