ActivitiesNews Three Student Conferences on Dissidence, Gender, and Sexuality; only two left: 9 and 16 April 8th April 2021
Vacancy Vacancy | Conference support Internship opportunity at ILGA World (Deadline: 8 April) 19th March 2021
News ARC-GS news: offer non-stipendiary visiting scholarships and winner of the 2020 ARC-GS Master Thesis Prize 9th March 2021
Call for papers Call for papers | Student Conference on Dissidence, Gender, and Sexuality (Deadline: March 12) 23rd February 2021
Call for participants A master’s student searches respondents for online interview about LGBT+ immigrants 23rd February 2021
News Boek en radio-uitzending over 19e-eeuwse homoseksuele en transgender personen en hun relatie met god (in Dutch) 9th February 2021
News 2020 ARC-GS MSc Thesis Prize for ‘“Queer creations between a rock and a hard place. Art practicing LGBTQ+ forced migrants unsettling Dutch hegemony”. 19th January 2021